Josh City
Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories – Mckim Road: A force not to be reckoned with

[DISCLAIMER] The events which occurred on September 20th 2020 are from my own personal experience. There are no know facts to back up some of the information stated in this article. These events may not unfold the same for you if you visit Mckim. This is what I experienced on the evening of September 20th 2020. I have been exploring the paranormal professionally for many years. I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST doing what I did on September 20th 2020 unless you are with a professional!

McKim History

Mckim road is situated about fifteen minutes outside of Yorkton Saskatchewan and five minutes outside of a small town named Otthon. It is said that a man riding a motorcycle was hit by a grain truck and died. If you park your car and look straight down Mckim road you will be able to see the headlights and taillights of the motorcycle. There is also claims that you can hear his motorcycle coming towards your vehicle. If you drive down Mckim road towards the mysterious light it will disappear. It has also been said that your vehicle may have mysterious hand prints on it after visiting Mckim.

My Story

Sunday September 20th 2020 changed my life forever. The events that occurred were the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced. Myself and 3 other individuals arrived at Mckim road around 9:30pm on September 20th. The weather was dark and rainy which seems to be a key factor for certain events to happen. We parked at the intersection and were facing Mckim road. We turned off the car and waited. After about 15 minutes of nothing happening I started a conversation with the entity. It’s never been documented however I’ve been able to replicate this experience many times. If you start a conversation with the entity sitting at the Mckim road intersection you eventually can hear what sounds like footsteps on gravel outside your vehicle. I believe this to be the motorcyclist after the crash walking around before death. He will walk around you vehicle from one side to the other inspecting the vehicle. This entity is intelligent. If you ask it questions it will respond by walking one step for yes and two steps for no. I have been able to replicate this experience on multiple occasions with different questions being asked each time. After being greeted with footsteps outside our vehicle around 9:45pm we were met by another vehicle wanting to check out Mckim. The footsteps promptly stopped. We decided as a group to drive down Mckim road and sit in the middle of Mckim road and see what happens. What happened next was the scariest experience in my professional ghost hunting career.

I waved at the other vehicle that showed up and then proceeded to drive down Mckim road. At the halfway point I pulled over and turned off the vehicle. Immediately when I turned off the car I could clearly hear a motorcycle engine in the distance. It should be noted that the other vehicle that showed up was about 1.5 kilometres away sitting at the intersection and their vehicle was off. After hearing the motorcycle engine the light began to appear down the road. I wanted a closer look as I found it to be very interesting. As I drove closer the light got extremely bright. The best way I can describe it is like being greeted with high beam headlights on the highway at close distance. It was obnoxiously bright. After a brief discussion with my group of friends we decided to turn around as I was unsure if I would anger the entity if I moved my car closer. We started to turn around and the light continued to follow us at close range. All of the sudden the taillights of the motorcycle appeared and then the light was gone. I had experienced enough for the night and we all decided to head home. However the entity wasn’t done with me.

On the drive home I started to feel extremely light headed. My body was super weak and I couldn’t breath. I had a Bluetooth speaker on the dashboard of my car. It promptly flew off the dash landing just shy of the back seat. I was only driving 50km/h on the grids which wouldn’t be enough to send it that far back in the vehicle. When we hit the highway my stomach felt extremely bad and I was zoned out beyond belief. I asked my partner to take over driving and that’s when all hell broke loose. I was in the passenger seat and closed my eyes as I felt weak and super sick when I closed my eyes I was looking at my car with all of us in it. I looked down to see black cowboy boots, blue jeans, and a black leather jacket. I can only describe it as seeing the motorcyclists perspective of the night. I promptly opened my eyes and felt super dizzy. As we continued our journey home I asked if we could stop for water as I was short of breath and felt sick. I then began to hear voices in my head. This information has never been reported on and can only be backed up by me and the 3 others in the vehicle that night. The voices said the following. ” Hello Joshua. My name is Nathaniel and I was killed by the grain truck in 1942.” obviously I was freaked out I closed my eyes to see Nathaniel right in front of me covered in blood beside his wrecked motorcycle. I nearly puked after that. It was clear at this point that Nathaniel had full possession over my body. He then proceeded to tell me he threw my Bluetooth speaker off the dashboard of my car and that I was never welcomed back to Mckim road. I then got home at around 10:30pm I felt my body start to shake and twitch. My body felt less weak and my head less fuzzy. I can only assume Nathaniel had taught me his lesson and gave me control of my body. I felt absolutely drained after that and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

These events were experienced by me and my 3 friends. There is no known information on who the person was that died on Mckim road however I believe on September 20th 2020 he possessed me to tell the world his story. Nathaniel was the one on the motorcycle that was hit by the grain truck and it happened in 1942 according to Nathaniel. There is no known records of the man that died however this experience shocked me to the core. I do not recommend trying what we did on September 20th unless you are a professional ghost hunter or have one with you. I also can’t guarantee that these events will happen to you. As stated earlier I’m a professional and have been doing this for many years. I wanted to share my story whether you choose to believe it or not. September 20th 2020 changed my life forever and I’m honored to share my story and Nathaniel’s story with the world.